So far kami memang sangat berpuas hati dengan Generasi, nothing to complain, lagi nak berterima kasih dengan mereka sebab Ryann pandai banyak bende since skolah kat situ. Bacaan solat semua dah hafal, surah2 lazim pon dah hafal, walaupun dia belum pandai Iqra'. Of course lah sebutan dia belum betul, tapi upon seeing he performing the solah, hati ibu nih memang cair giller. Alhamdulillah, thanx a lot to all the teachers at Generasi. Macam2 lah lagi kan kepandaian dia hasil bersekolah di sana. Kids are very easy to memorize something especially when they keep listening to it everyday tambah2 bile melodically. Jenis2 ada irama ni memang senang lekat kat otak budak kan. Yes he still can't read, I'm expecting when he is 5 nanti, pandai la baca Insya Allah.
Bila dah almost 4 years Ryann dekat situ, we're thinking to give him a new environment. Bukan tak suka Generasi, cuma we think that he needs a new environment. Lagi satu our concern is English montessari. So our total concern in package are - English medium, montessari, Islamic, daycare and of course affordable dengan poket kami. Saya bukan banyak duit, kaya jauh sekali, (tapi doakan la kami kaya haha) jadi saya akan pastikan duit yang kita keluarkan (mahal or murah) itu berbaloi. Kalau bukan english medium, might as well remain dekat current kindy yang cheaper. I did a little reading on montessari, and baru tau yang kebanyakan well-known kindy bukan montessari konsep. Saya almost give up dengan montessari hunting. Yang ada pon jauh. So we search high and low, survey merata, call sana sini, and hampir2 nak enroll for CIC (Children Islamic Center) or Q'dees. I tell you this kindy hunting wasn't easy at all. Pening sangat. Until a friend of mine suggest me to survey the Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessari (BBIM).
Anddd..saya rasa memang inilah yang saya carik selama ini. All in a package! Alhamdulillah..upon browsing the website yang sangat menarik, nampak ada brunch baru nak bukak dekat Puchong and Putrajaya for 2012. I guess our hunting come to the end. Last Sunday we attended the BBIM's open day, and we 100% confirm and satisfied with the programme they offer.
But apart from that, we just don't know how to tell the teachers, that we won't be sending Ryann to them by next year. Cikgu2 tu mesti sedih sangat, especially Cikgu Ekin yang sayang sangat dekat Ryann. They are so close to us, just like family. Seriusly tengah tulis ni pun saya rasa sedih. Kebanyakan cikgu dekat situ very loyal, imagine since Ryann baby sampai sekarang diorang memang di situ. Yang jaga masa Ryann baby, orang yang sama jaga Ireen now. They sure have a very kind and smart employer I must say.
Takpelah at least Ireen masih dekat Generasi. Bila ada apa2 event still boleh datang and they still can see Ryann. We can't afford to send both of them at BBIM for now, so for the time being, Ryann sorang je dulu. Yang sorang ni pon will cost us double of what we are spending now. Tengok lah rezeki macam mana, 2013 Ireen boleh follow abang, Inysa Allah. Eh ke time tu Ireen dah ada adik?? Wah! hahahaaaa..
This post bukan untuk brag2 pasal sape hantar anak skolah apa, orang hantar skolah tu ko pon nak hantar skolah tu. Nothing at all. Ini hanya satu usaha dari kami, untuk menyiapkan keperluan anak, mengikut apa yang kami rasa mampu dan mengikut apa yang kami rasa perlu. Besides, entry ni jugak boleh jadi panduan parents out there yang tercari2 kindy yang bersesuaian. I spread out what I think is good.
Till then,
Ok Bye!