Friday, May 20, 2011

Within Our Will, With Our Best.

Bile hari Jumaat je mood nk update blog teros datang. Why la eh?
Hari lain xde plak semangat sangat. 

Sebenarnya I wonder la how every mommies divide their time?

Everyday saya rasa macam x cukup masa. And penat. Bila smpai rumah around 630 terus bfeed Ireen, than tukar baju sume sambil kuarkan apa2 yang patut utk masak. Kalau x masak still prepare apa2 utk tea time. My husband mmg kne minum petang.

Lepas tu duduk minum2 kejap smbil layan ank2 sambil tengok tv. This is most crucial time nak2 bile kita start follow citer kt TV3 drama Nora Elena. Because time ni anak2 memang amek kesempatan nak manja2 n attrack our attention. They have a lot of stories to tell, in their own way. Time ni jugak abang and adik tu menunjukkan kerinduan masing2 dengan bermain bersama2 smpai last2 bertumbuk, berguling dan sebagainya. Ireen lagi ganas dari abang dia, mind u. Grrrr!

Me n hubs pon nk update kisah masing2 dekat ofis seharian. Memang we all kadang2 x boleh nk bercerita sebab melayankan anak2. I sampai cakap dkt Ryann " abang, diam kejap boleh tak mami nk cakap dengan dedi." Then dia diam I pon borak ngn husbnd sekejap je then Ryann pulak "Diam2 sume abang cerite pulak" Gosh!

Then mandikan Ireen, mandikan diri sendiri, solat Maghrib, dinner ke tiba2 tengok jam dah pukul 9+. Anak2 dah start merengek than put Ireen to sleep which kadang2 smpai 1/2 jam baru dia tido. Lepas tu Ryann pulak take turn nak nenen dengan Mummy, trus nak sleep. Tu pon kalau dia tak menangis2 sebab dia saje suka nanges. Dia memang sukeee nanges ok. Ish kdg2 stress. Bukan kadang2 tapi selalu. Ok dah pukul 10 lebih. and kadang kala saya baru nk mandi pukul 10 ye, sebab anak2 cranky and all.

Then teros solat Isya', Iron my baju, n Ryann's uniform, jemur baju and lipat baju kalau larat. Pukul 11 dah.
Prepare kids bag for tumoro, than baru nk tengok school beg Ryann. His school ada provide communication book, for teachers and parents to write whatever we want. Teacher remind ada homework ke, or I nak bagitau yang Ryann kene makan ubat ke, whateva la. So dah malam2 baru teringat communication book and his teacher suruh I read him the English Book1 everyday. Nak read macamana dah kroh kroh dah Ryann tido. Settle sume me and hubs pon tdo and the clock struck 12 pon kdg2 ada je lg bnde nk buat.

So this morning on my way to send kids to school, I read Ryann the English book. 3 minutes je Ryann dh boring. Dia lagi suke cerita about surronding. like "kenape uncle tu tak pakai baju work mami", "Uncle tu naik train nak pegi mana mami", "Bas tu kenape color blue?", "Nape car tu stop?", Uncle tu work dekat mana mami?" -______-

Everyday is like that and I wish evreyday is more than 24hours!. Macamana parents out there ye? Itu pon  kids belum start skolah which is kene tengok kan homework, kene ajar ngaji tiap2 malam just like my parents diri sendiri nak ngaji pon tak sempat..tsk.. Ya I tau itu bukan alasan. So how la? Abah kata kalau tak smpat sangat nak ngaji, amek Al-Quran and peluk with regrets, sbb x sempat. AT LEAST. but itu pon kadang2 saya tak buat. :( .

I just hope and pray, Allah gives us the strength to raise our kids, with what is supposed a kids to be raised, within our will, with our best. I sure do hope that we can be a real Role Model for our kids, ukhrawi and duniawi, Insya Allah. This world is soo challenging, hence the worries. Jadikan anak2 kami, anak yang soleh and solehah, berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Aminnnn! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Eh, where are my 'followers'??
Lepas blogger ada problem last week, macam2 hal lah.
Ni pulak follower saya dh hilang?
How ar? 

They sure scared of me.
My followers are back :)
TQ blogspot.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Malam Jumaat

Hari ni Khamis..malam ni malam Jumaat..

Jangan Lupa baca yassin today...Pahalanya sama seperti membaca 10 kali Al-Quran
(someone reminded her readers in her blog, so I remind myself and my readers too)


Topik Kesihatan Part 2


Remember Topik Kesihatan Part 1? Ok ni sambungan dia. 

Semalam my hubs bawak Ryann to Selayang Hospital for the Phenol treatment.

Krim bius applied on each bumps.

Lepas 1 jam letak bius cream ni, than baru letak ubat.

Saya tanya Ryann, doctor buat apa. Here's his story.

"Dokter kan, amek kelim (cream) kan, letak cini, cini, cini, cini cini cini (pointing at each bumps on the body). Patu kan, amek balut..patu tampal. sejuk sangat kelim tu. Patu kan abang tido, patu bukak mata, bangun bangun dedi kata. Patu bukak tampal tu kan, patu dia buat cmni (tnjuk doctor letak ubat pulak kt each bumps). Uishhh sakit giller..pedih.

"Yeke sakit?"

Sakit sikit sangat je.

"Abang nangis tak? "

Abang nanges laaaaa.."

Aku dah agk dahhhhh. Nanges memang dia punye hobi.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bajet Kreatif

Been asked by Gurl to make her a guest book for her wedding.
So perah otak and did some research. Cea research la sgt. Padahal Google aje.
And I found this site:
Ok very the creative this lady.
So cube bakat terpendam. Try yang simple je dulu.

this is the original masterpiece

And this is mine
I sketched this! 

Oh my it is sooo look alike kan?. Saya ada bakat sketching rupanya. Sila muntah. Bahahaa..
Susah jugak nk buat scrap book. Tapi tak susah sebenanya if semua bahan2 ada depan mata.
Main reason is I tak sempat nak pegi kedai. Adeh. 

Wordless Wednesday

Because I'm cuter than you

I sit on your pram, dear doll :D

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Off Umi and Mak

oh..I did mention on my last post..

"I have a list of things to do during the weekend, believe me none going to be fun."

I was wrong! Totally wrong. We did have some fun:

The whole family on the hubby's side. Look at my husband. He is always more than others. Forgive him. Oh poor baby Ireen blocked by her mean aunt. shooohh aunty. 

So we did have some celebration..of course the Mother's Day!. Despite of me having the little hard time, still can enjoy my life with the people I loves. The generous Along belanja all of us at Seoul Garden. Toche2..father's day pulak next month ok!

So I managed to sent my car to the workshop. It will take about a week. I wanted to show u people the picture of the incident/accident. Tapi everytime I forgot to transfer the pix. Later la k.

As the wedding is around the corner, we have to move in speed. Kemas rumah la ape lagi..banyak sangat nak kemas. So me n hubs force ourselves. No matter how occupied we are, or how busy with our never-ending-matters, we have to go back to the parents house every weekend, to help them with the house chores. Responsible. Yes it is about that. Though I didn't help much because of the asthma attack which I got since 2 weeks ago, but my hubs did a good job in throwing junk:

Hubs : Buang semua, jangan tengok2
Lain2 : Eh ni boleh pakai lagi. simpan2..
Hubs : Kalau simpan tapi x leh jumpa, serupa buang. Nanti tak habes2 ada je sampah/bende2 tak pakai smpai bile pon tak kemas bla bla bla blaaaaa
Lain: Ok2..buangggggg!

See. He is good in odering too. Others follow. I followwwww..hehe.
After maghrib, went back to my parents place pulak. A lil celebration of course for my dear mak..mesti la kene ada. And I good in giving orders too.

Me : Dah beli kek belum?
Brader : Belum. balik x?
Me : Cepat beli. Kekma otw
Brader : Ok2
Kan? saya memang terer memerintah.

Abah recited a Doa and semua serbu kek. Ryann sempat nyanyi "Happy birthday to you kat Umi..happy birthday to you.."

Ala tapi xde gambar la. Takpe2. Gambar semua orang tak bertudung, memang x dapat publish.

Very tiring I tell you.

I mak jugak kan? Takde pon celebration utk I..huwaaaaa...



Friday, May 6, 2011

Just So Many Things Happening


Never thought of having this feeling..
which is...
MISSING MY BLOG!! Serius la..saya rindu tulis blog..but I just have so little time, yet so many things happening.
I don't call myself a blogger..yet.
Blogger tegar jauh sekali. Because a true blogger won't neglect their blog. Which I did. Sobs.

Okey I just about to make a new entry and my boss panggil suruh join the meeting. lagi. See!
ok this week HARI2 meeting.

Yes bos I'm coming. Huh! Nanti saya sambung.


April - May is the month of workshops/ trainings/Technology Update sessions/ Meetings etc..
Its really tiring. Bile berbengkel kita akan focus and kene banyak berfikir. Otak sangat penat. 1 workshop session biasanya 3 hari, full sampai malam, and after habes 1 bengkel sambung bengkel lagi dan lagi. 3 weeks straight. And masa bengkel kt PD I have no choice but to hangkut sume ank and suami tercinta. 

This week saya sangat penat juga. Bile penat balik rumah tido seawal jam sembilan. Suami kejutkan jam 11 untuk solat Isya; tapi saya bangun jam 3 pagi. Solat, iron baju, prepare beg anak, kadang2 bila ada keberanian saya jemur baju yang yang baru di cuci, di luar rumah. ye pada pukul 3 pagi. Sungguh berani.
Tapi time tak berani pegi dapo sorang pon jangan harap.

Mei juga adalah bulan preparation untuk wedding adik saya. Sape yang tak pening bila family nak kawen angkat tangan!. takde orang angkat tangan pon. Memang takde yang nak angkat tangan sebab tak ada orang yang tak pening. So saya bertambah kalut dan serabut.

Di dalam kesibukan dan keserabutan otak, saya telah ditimpa musibah. Musibah itu sangat kecil, saya bersyukur saya selamat. 

I hit a BMW! 2 days back.
Best! A brand new 5 series. How awesome was that?
Agak kuat la saya langgar smpai terhantuk di stereng and pecah bibir. Dada pon sakit.
Tapi condition kereta x teruk sangat. and the beemier got scratch, but it cost me more than 2k to retouch the bumper. So report polis semua and maybe besok i'll send my car to the workshop. Hopefully tak lama If not I akan patah kaki takde kereta.

I have a list of things to do during the weekend, believe me none going to be fun. Tapi..saya redha. Semua ni cuma ujian kecikkkk je..and temporary. Insya Allah semua akan settle.

Tapi many things happening. Lepas satu, satu. Tapi saya redha saje. Semoga hari2 esok akan bertambah baik dan lebih rilex. Can't wait for the wedding, so that I can breath normally, tapi at the same time sedih, adik saya nak kawen tak lama lagi. It will never be the same, but I am truly happy for her.

Okay peeps, enjoy your weekend ya!