Monday, July 30, 2012

Our 6th Anniversary


Semalam, 29th, marked our 6th anniversary.
Semua memories masa akad nikah, sampai la semalam, still boleh recall.
Alhamdulillah, both of us have gone this far, and for many years coming, I hope we will still together, sampai ke syurga.

To my husband, (I rarely do this, but anniversary is an exceptional. Nak muntah sila muntah jauh2 :D ).
For these years we have been together, u have never fail showing your love towards me, be it from your words, or from your actions. 
U do it moreeeeee than I do yes I admit that..tapi now I'm doing better dari dulu kan? 
I hugs u more before u asking for my hugs now kan hihiii..
We accept each other's flaws, and turn those flaws to something to laugh at and make jokes on it rather than complaining. 
Tq for being there for me and the kids. I'm praying that u will become a pious husband and daddy, to guide us towards jannah, Insya Allah.

Celebrated with the families :)

p/s - anniversary mak abah saya yg ke 37 sebenarnya, saya salah kira daa..hihi.

Ok Bye!


a.z.n.e.e said...

hepi anniversarry jik!!!!

hepi anniversary utk pakcik n makcik..
hepi enniversary utk ilmam jugak...

semoga happy2 selalu :)

sha said...

thanx jikkk!!!! muahssss!!!!